Why Optimism Is Your Superpower (And How To Unlock It In 5 Easy Steps)

If you’re short on time, skip down to discover five simple, actionable tools to help you cultivate optimism and access its well-documented health and wellness benefits (which I researched and described in detail in an earlier article). If you want to understand why this matters, keep reading.

I’m a Jewish mother. Worrying is a significant part of my birthright. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Google “Jewish Mothers Worry Jokes.” Like this one: Jewish telegram: “Begin worrying. Details to follow.”)

My worrying can take patently nonsensical forms, like wondering if my husband’s cell phone would be flattened if he were run over by a bus or if they’d be able to use it to call me so I could know what hospital he’d been taken to — a thought I have had on more than one occasion when he was simply running late. But this tendency to worry is balanced by a hard-wired optimism and sense of personal agency, a deep belief in my ability to take action and make things better.

Read the full article here.

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