STEM Education Will Carry Our Children in Tomorrow’s Economy

The Hill posts an opinion piece co-authored by National Science Teachers Association Executive Director David Evans and 100Kin10 Executive Director Talia Milgrom-Elcott. The piece discusses the opportunity the Every Student Succeeds Act provides to ensure high-quality STEM learning for all students, preparing them for tomorrow’s economy and workforce.

“Whatever today’s kids want to be able to do tomorrow, they will need serious STEM skills – and the ability to use what they’ve learned when solving new problems or tackling new dilemmas. That will be true whether they become a mechanic called in to fix something they’ve never seen before or a medical professional faced with an outbreak of a new disease.

Fortunately, we have a powerful opportunity to strengthen STEM education for all American students through the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).”

Read the full op-ed here.

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