Who We Are

Meet Our Staff

Meghan Grady Serrano


As the Manager of Strategic Initiatives, Meghan leads a variety of projects that support, inform, and shape Beyond100K’s approach to catalyzing systemic change in STEM education.

Prior to joining Beyond100K, Meghan worked at CityBridge Education in Washington, D.C. where she supported educators and entrepreneurs to design and implement equity-centered pilots. Meghan also spent 5 years in the classroom. She served as a Teach for America corps member in Indianapolis, teaching fifth-grade math. She continued her work with students as a sixth-grade science teacher at KIPP in New York City. This is where she developed her passion for STEM education and her commitment to building students’ sense of belonging in STEM classrooms.

Meghan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communications and Political Science from Purdue University, a Master of Arts in Teaching from Marian University, and a Master of Education in Education Policy and Management from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Why does belonging in STEM matter to you?

Growing up, I never saw myself as a math or science kid. STEM just didn’t click for me. Then in high school, my physics teacher Ms. McLean showed me all of the ways I belonged in STEM. She changed the way I thought about science, math, and myself. I believe teachers are some of the earliest and most critical influences on how students access and see themselves in STEM – especially Black, LatinX, and Native American students. Every child deserves to have a Ms. McLean in pre-kindergarten through college and beyond. When our students confidently and comfortably see themselves as scientists, engineers, doctors, critical thinkers, and problem-solvers in school, then our society will be filled with creative and diverse STEM professionals who are ready and excited to change the world.